Tsasum Drildrub
The Heart Jewel
The Sādhana Practice of the Three Roots Combined into One
This sādhana combines the Three Roots practice into one and is centered on Padmasambhava in the form of Nangsi Zilnön, the one who prevails over all that appears and exists. The terma revelation was first discovered in the eleventh century by Sangye Lama, who is generally regarded as the first Nyingma treasure revealer. It was rediscovered centuries later by Jamyang Khyentse Wangpo.

The Tsasum Drildrub appears in the Khyentse Wangpo Kabab Dun collection. It also figures in the Precious Treasury of Rediscovered Teachings (Rinchen Terdzö), the massive collection of spiritual treasures compiled by Khyentse Wangpo’s close associate, Jamgön Kongtrul Lodrö Taye. The original transmission lineage from Sangye Lama (1000–1080) disappeared over time and was only revived after it was rediscovered by Khyentse Wangpo, identified by his treasure revealer name, Dorje Ziji Tsal. Jamgön Kongtrul described the Great Khyentse’s discovery in the Life of Jamyang Khyentse Wangpo:

“Guru Rinpoche appeared in person, while the master himself took on the form of each successive treasure revealer, as he granted each the ripening and completion stages of the relevant instructions all in one go, in perfectly miraculous style. On the first such occasion, Tertön Sangye Lama appeared to him in person, dressed as a tantric priest with a dark maroon shawl over a yellow vest, and granted him the blessing of a teaching in twenty-one parts that he said was his own Tsasum Ngödrub Tenzik revelation. That cycle was in symbolic script, and the main part was never transcribed, but his summarized Tsasum Drildrub practice manual and treasure empowerment are there [with the general sādhana of the Three Roots in the Rinchen Terdzö (vol.4).]”
Tsasum Drildrub Combined Liturgies for practice
This is a compilation of the three PDFs listed below for your convenience.
Lineage prayer
Cloudbanks of Blessings is a lineage prayer composed by Jamyang Khyentse Wangpo to accompany the Tsasum Drildrub sādhana. Beyond its inspiring beauty, this prayer is noteworthy for its detailed invocation of the early Nyingma lineages of the Great Perfection and other tantras.
Main Sādhana
The Heart Jewel: The Sādhana Practice of the Three Roots Combined into One is a comprehensive Three Roots practice for daily use that includes all the elements for retreat and group practice. It centers on a self-visualization of Guru Padmasambhava together with the associated peaceful and wrathful deities of the padma family. The sādhana also includes a longevity invocation, cleansing smoke offerings, torma offerings to the dharmapālas, and feast offerings. Please note: as a feature of the KVP reading room, you can toggle on and off Tibetan and/or phonetics for this sādhana to suit your own practice preferences.
Aspiration prayer
Cloudbanks of Nectar: A Prayer of Aspiration and Supplication Made to the Three Roots with Fervent Longing was composed by Longchenpa. In this moving prayer, the practitioner supplicates the gurus, deities, and ḍākinīs to dispel obstacles and bestow blessings. It is commonly recited after the conclusion of the sādhana.
The original translation of the first two texts were made by Dzongsar Khyentse Rinpoche and Daniel Staffer in 1990. Subsequent revisions and translations of all texts were undertaken by Ani Lodro Palmo, Steve Cline and Jing Rui Huang (1995, 2005, 2007, 2008, 2022). These new editions have been further revised by Steve Cline and by Khyentse Vision Project.