
Khyentse Vision Project offers a two-year Training & Internship Program to promising translators, targeting the skills required to confidently translate texts from the wide range of genres found in the Khyentse Wangpo collections.



Our Goal

Many aspiring translators have solid Tibetan language skills but lack the experience and expertise to work independently on the wide-ranging and often complex texts found in the Khyentse Wangpo collections. Our team of translators provides trainees with targeted training to help them fine-tune their translation skills.

Our Program

In Year One, trainees learn translation and research methodology over the course of a three-part program that is tailored to working with the the Khyentse Wangpo collections.

During Part One of the first year, participants attend weekly workshops led by Khyentse Vision Project translators and guest experts while carrying out a rigorous course of independent and collaborative assignments. During Part Two, trainees attend an intensive classical reading seminar at Rangjung Yeshe Institute. Finally, during Part Three, trainees work closely with Khyentse Vision Project  translators in a guided mentorship where they learn the ins and outs of crafting a polished translation.

Participants who meet Year One assessment criteria are invited to complete an internship during the second year.  As interns, they select a text and translate it under the guidance of a senior translator, then  work with an editor to bring their project to publication.

Guest Expert Workshops

Erik Pema Kunsang:
Translating Khyentse Wangpo
Learning objectives:
work with style & poetic technique in target language; understand importance of lineage & experience in translation

supplication, poetry
Jakob Leschly:
Translating Philosophy & Commentaries
Learning objectives: Learn about Jamyang Khyentse Wangpo’s philosophical writings; develop better understanding of the nuance of key philosophical terms found in the collections

Genre: philosophy, commentaries
Wulstan Fletcher:
Creating Inspiring & Polished English Translations
Learning objectives:
engage with target language sources on style, process & poetic form; understand relevance of linguistic history

Genre: prose, poetry
Prof. Sarah Jacoby:
Translating Biographies, Colloquial Language & Songs
Learning objectives:
conduct genre-relevant research; understand historical & cultural context of biographical literature

Genre: biography, song
Khenpo Choying Dorje:
Tibetan Grammar, Language & Source Text Familiarity
Learning objectives:
work with source texts; demonstrate familiarity with editions & history of source collections

Genre: philology, karchak
Stephen Gethin:
Translating Sādhana & Practice Liturgies
Learning objectives:
identify structure & form of sādhana; conduct background research for translation of liturgical texts

Genre: sādhana
Prof. Anne Klein:
Creating Metered Verse in English for Chanting
Learning objectives:
work with style, process & poetic form; create metered verse in target language

Genre: supplications, praises
Prof. James Gentry:
Tantric materials and sensory objects
Learning objectives:
translate technical vocabulary; consider associated terms

Genre: tantra
Sean Price:
The translation process
Learning objectives:
work effectively with advisors & experts; apply a systematic approach to translation

Genre: source text collections

In-House Workshops

Zack Beer:
Life & Times of Khyentse Wangpo; Understanding Poetry
Learning objectives:
become familiar with the historical times of Khyentse Wangpo & the Rime movement; discuss effective poetic techniques in English

Genre: supplication, poetry
Do Tulku Rinpoche:
Work with Expert Traditional Advisors
Learning objectives:
prepare translations for review; identify & address questions

Genre: vajra songs, mind training
Christian Bernert:
Khyentse Wangpo & the Sakya Tradition
Learning objectives:
understand importance of tradition & lineage in applying translation methodology

Genre: Sakya tradition material
Charles Hastings:
Review of Praise to Tangtong Gyalpo
Learning objectives:
identify symbolic language & decipher esoteric expression; understand Tantric textual context

Genre: anuttarayogatantra texts
Casey Kemp:
The Editorial Workflow Process
Learning objectives:
collaborate effectively with editors; become familiar with editorial workflow process; work with constructive criticism

Genre: editorial processes
Matthew Akester:
Translating Historical & Geographical Tibetan Texts
Learning objectives:
work with historical style & language; apply relevant research methods

Genre: history, geography
Jamie Creek:
Language in context
Learning objectives:
recognize grammar cues in source texts & their impact on meaning; select reference materials

Genre: mind training
Heidi Nevin:
The Life of a Translator & the Translation Process
Learning objectives:
work with style & process; approach restricted texts correctly; appreciate role of lineage & blessings in translation

Genre: treasure cycles
Dr. Philippe Turenne:
Research in practice
Learning objectives:
follow textual research guidelines; conduct research for a translation project

Genre: prayers & praises
Lopön Sonam Jamtsho:
Khyentse Wangpo’s place in Tibetan literature
Learning objectives:
gain an overview of texts & genres; identify content crossover with important collections

Genre: text collections
Dr. Berthe Jansen:
Advanced reading
Learning objectives:
locate cited works; compare editions; conduct research for a translation project

Genre: advice & intstructions
Ryan Jones:
Khyentse Vision Project Translator Guidelines
Learning objectives:
apply in-house style guidelines; understand translation standards; work effectively with editors

Genre: style guidelines

Translator Training Program participants

Discover more about our program participants from around the world.


Collaborations with Rangjung Yeshe Institute and Dharma Sagar

Khyentse Vision Project collaborates with Rangjung Yeshe Institute to deliver intensive translation methodology and language training. Since 2021, trainees have attended a range of classes with Rangjung Yeshe Institute, culminating in a special online classical Tibetan reading seminar, led by Khyentse Vision Project translators in collaboration with institute teachers.

We work with Esukhia’s Dharma Sagar program team to trial and evaluate their immersive language training and placement testing, and to share translator resources. We also invite Padmakara translator trainees to join us for Guest Expert Workshops.



Find out more about Khyentse Vision Translator Training

Subscribe to our newsletter to hear about training opportunities and events. The minimum requirement for a trainee to be accepted into our program is three years of classical Tibetan language study at a recognized institution, or equivalent training with a recognized scholar. Please note: KVP will not be accepting any new trainee intakes until 2026.