Dana Ming

Associate Editor
Dana recently joined our editorial team as an associate editor. Dana has been studying and practicing Buddhism for thirty years as a member of the Mangala Shri Bhuti sangha.

Dana received his BA in Religious Studies from the Naropa University, where he studied Tibetan language. He later completed a five-year shedra and translation program at the Guna Institute in Bir, under the guidance of Dzigar Kongtrul Rinpoche. Dana has been deeply involved in Rinpoche’s sangha activities as a member of Vairochana’s Legacy translation group, Website Director, and as head builder of the Sangdo Palri Temple of Wisdom and Compassion.

Dana participated in KVP’s pilot Training & Internship program in 2021 and since then has contributed translations for the project. Dana lives in Crestone, Colorado, with his wife and two dogs.