Dr. Catherine Dalton
After receiving a BA in Religion at Middlebury College, Catherine moved to Kathmandu, Nepal, in 2001 to continue her study of Tibetan Buddhism. From 2003 to 2011, she worked as an oral interpreter and Tibetan language instructor at Kathmandu University’s Centre for Buddhist Studies at Rangjung Yeshe Institute and directed the Centre’s Translator Training program for several years. Catherine received an MA degree in Buddhist Studies from the Centre in 2008. She has been a member of the Dharmachakra Translation Committee since 2005, and her published translations include Middle Beyond Extremes (2005); A Practice of Padmasambhava (2009); Vajra Wisdom (2011); and the Lalitavistarasūtra (forthcoming). She recently completed her PhD in Buddhist Studies at the University of California at Berkeley and is now a professor at Kathmandu University’s Centre of Buddhist Studies.